Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Recent car show - {Melissa Ide Photography}

Just wanted to post a fun one today.  Saturday evening we went by a local car show and I snapped a few shots.  The first image below is a self-portrait.  I never have pictures of myself because I hate being on that side of the camera.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Puyallup Nature Photography - {Melissa Ide Photography}

I have been waiting for weeks for my lillies to open up, and they have finally done so.  Managed to get outside a few different times and caught them in different light.  Also took a few shots in the back yard.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Puyallup Children Photographer - {Melissa Ide Photography}

Sophia - 13 months
Puyallup children photographer - {Melissa Ide Photography}

Went out to catch a few shots of our thistles, ended up getting a few of those but quite a few of Sophia as well.  Decided to share some of each.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Alanna - Tacoma Senior Portrait Photographer - {Melissa Ide Photography}

Alanna's Senior Rep. Session
Class of 2012 Foss High School

Well, because we live in Washington we have to rely on the weatherman to accurately guess the forecast.  Alanna and I only had to reschedule once but the weather threatened on Friday as well.  I watched a layer of clouds roll in all morning as I waited to head over to our shoot.  Surprisingly, the clouds lifted as I made the commute and the sun shone brightly.

Alanna was an absolute delight to work with and I enjoyed every moment of it.  And to think we still get another session.  How did I get so lucky?  Here are some of the pictures that we captured.

More of the pictures from this shoot will appear under the Senior Portrait tab at the top of my blog.  Please check them out as well.