Monday, October 31, 2011

Glacier View Varsity Football vs. Ferrucci Jr. High {Melissa Ide Photography}

Glacier View Jr. High Varsity Football
Ferrucci Jr. High Varsity Football
{Melissa Ide Photography}
Spent Wednesday night under the lights on Emerald Ridge High School's new field.  The Glacier View players came to the field ready to defend their record as the away team.  And defend it they did.  The energy at the field was awesome, parents and students were everywhere, and the drum core roared.
Two undefeated seasons in a row for these kids.  They were amazing.

At the end of the night, these two teams came together at the center of the field to look to their future together.  These kids will join forces in 2012 as Jags for Emerald Ridge.

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